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Sequence ID Mapping

To map the distribution of samples across a dataset.


  1. Select the Alignment button from the navigation bar.
  2. Select Extract and map sequence IDs from the dropdown menu.
  3. Add the input files by clicking the Add file button. On desktop platforms, you can also input a directory by clicking the Add directory button. The app will look for matching files in the directory.
  4. Select the output directory by clicking the Add directory button.
  5. Add prefix for the output files.
  6. Click Map sequence IDs button (important).
  7. Click the Run button labeled Extract to start the task.


The app will generate two files:

  • Unique IDs: A list of unique IDs in your dataset (default name: id.txt).
  • ID Map: A csv file containing the distribution of your samples presented in TRUE/FALSE values across your alignments (default name: id_map.txt)

ID map file will look like as below:
