📄️ General Guidelines
This page provides guidelines that are applicable to all tasks available in the app. For task-specific guidelines, refer to the respective task documentation.
📄️ Alignment Concatenation
Concatenate multiple alignments into a single alignment with partition output.
📄️ Alignment Conversion
Convert alignment from one format to another.
📄️ Alignment Filtering
Filtering alignments based on the length (sites), taxa completeness, parsimony informative sites, or percent of parsimony informative sites.
📄️ Alignment Partition Conversion
Convert partition from one format to another.
📄️ Alignment Splitting
Split alignments into multiple files based on the partition.
📄️ Alignment Summary
Summary statistics for many alignments.
📄️ Genomic Summary
This feature provides summary statistics for sequence reads and contiguous sequences (contigs).
📄️ Sequence ID Extraction
Extract unique sequence IDs from alignment files.
📄️ Sequence ID Mapping
To map the distribution of samples across a dataset.
📄️ Sequence ID Renaming
A quick way to rename sequence IDs in across many alignments.
📄️ Sequence Extraction
Extract sequences from alignment files based on sequence IDs or regular expression.
📄️ Sequence Removal
This feature is the opposite of sequence extraction feature. It removes sequences based on a list of IDs or a regular expression. It is faster than sequence extraction if you remove less than a half of the sequences.
📄️ Sequence Translation
Translate DNA sequences to amino acid sequences.
📄️ Log File
The log file is a text file that contains the log of the last operation. The log file is saved in the output directory with the name segul_currentDate.log. The log file is available in the setting menu.