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Sequence ID Mapping

To map the distribution of your samples across your dataset, you only need to pass --map flag in the finding unique IDs command:

segul sequence id -i [input-path] --map

It will generate two files, saved to SEGUL-ID by default. The first file is the list of unique IDs in your dataset (named default to id.txt). This file is similar to generating unique IDs. The second file is a csv file (named default to id_map.txt) containing the distribution of your samples presented in TRUE/FALSE values across your alignments. The content of the file will look like as below:


To change the output directory, use the -o or --output option:

segul sequence id -i alignments/ --map -o my_alignment_id

To change the output file name, use the --prefix option:

segul sequence id -i alignments/ --map --prefix my_alignment_id