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Developing Python Library using SEGUL API

We recommend to use PyO3 and Maturin to develop python library using SEGUL API. The PyO3 and Maturin documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the tools. You can also checkout pysegul to see how we use SEGUL API in Python.

Quick Guideline

Install Rust and Maturin

  1. Install Rust
  2. Install Maturin

Create a new Rust project

cargo new segul-python --lib

cd segul-python

Create Python project

maturin new

Add SEGUL API as a dependency

cargo add segul

Or add it manually in your Cargo.toml file:

segul = "0.*"

Find out more about available SEGUL functions and how to use them in the SEGUL API documentation.

Add Python binding

Add the following code in your src/

use pyo3::prelude::*;

use segul::helper::alphabet::DNA_STR_UPPERCASE;

// pyO3 recommend the same function name as the module name
fn segul_python(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(alphabet, m)?)?;

// Wrap SEGUL API function using pyO3 `pyfunction` macro
fn alphabet() -> String {

Build the Python library

maturin develop

Test the Python library

import segul_python
